A once in a lifetime opportunity - Antartica!

I was very lucky to be invited on a photography workshop hosted by landscape photographer and YouTuber Nigel Danson. Nigel asked if I could join as to share my wildlife photography knowledge. It was an incredible experience and the first part of trip is now on Youtube.

It was challenging to take photos for a couple of reasons. Firstly we have a limited amount of time at each location, less than an hour at landings and on the zodiac boats, we might be with a seal for a few minutes. Secondly, due to avian flu precautions, we couldn’t put anything on the ground except our feet and tripod legs. So changing lenses had to be done whilst standing, either with someone helping or with difficulty! Despite the challenges, I’m really pleased with some of my images and I ended up taking around 20,000 photos on the trip! Each evening, I tried to go through them quickly and delete the rubbish and I still came home with 6,000 photos, of which I reckon 10-15 are favourites. I still need to focus some time on reviewing and editing photos but here are some that caught my eye!


Arctic seabirds